The Gift of Floating

The Gift of Floating | Floatation Tank & Wellness Centre, South Yorkshire

Give the Gift of Floating!

Why not treat your loved ones to the ultimate experience…  Floatation Tank Therapy.

Used by millions worldwide, Floatation Tank Therapy, or correctly REST (Restricted External Stimulus Therapy) has become extremely popular for it’s many benefits.
Whether it’s for physical benefits, like pain relief, or mental benefits such as Insomnia, Anxiety and PTSD to name just a few.   Floatation Tanks, or Isolation Pods are giving people genuine benefits.

To find out more about benefits see the following article:

The Gift of Floating | Floatation Tank & Wellness Centre, South Yorkshire
Benefits of Floating

Benefits of Floating

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Floatation Tank Benefits There are several psychological and physical benefits of sensory deprivation tanks with many studies done on conditions such as anxiety disorders, stress, …

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At Float Space we offer Gift Vouchers for both Single Floatation Tank Experiences, as well as Bulk Floatation Session Deals.

These can be sent directly via email to your chosen recipient or to yourself to pass on in person.

So why not treat someone who you feel will benefit from Floatation Therapy or from our Infrared Sauna.

Buy Gift Vouchers Online Today.

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The Power of the Subconscious Mind

The Power of the Subconscious Mind | Float Space in South Yorkshire

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Inner Connection

What do you think about your subconscious mind, and the role it plays in your life? Do you trust this part of your mind, or are you more wary of it? Do you utilize its potential, or do you accuse it of keeping you stuck in irrational anxiety and self-sabotaging patterns?

Maybe your subconscious seems to be an obscure and rather scary part of your mind that is out of your control, causes you a lot of trouble, and, therefore, isn’t trustworthy. Thus, you may place your trust in your intellectual and analytical capabilities, and be unaware of the enormous potential that resides within this deeper part of your consciousness.

One of the major functions of the subconscious is to filter and interpret the vast amount of information surrounding us, and only feed the conscious mind the tiny fractions that seem relevant for our safety and well-being. Consciously, we can compute only small amounts of information at one time, but subconsciously, we can keep tabs on our surroundings, pick up subtle cues from others, and notice small external and internal changes—all without our conscious awareness. Important aspects of our perception, such as first impressions, chemistry, or intuition, are not based on logical considerations, but stem from the input of our subconscious.

Another important task of the subconscious mind is creating emotions, which it often does without the input of the conscious mind. This explains why emotions can appear so irrational, inappropriate, and out of control. On your way to work on Monday morning, you’re sure that you woke up on the wrong side of the bed; everything and everybody irritates you. The intensity of the feeling doesn’t make sense to you, but then by lunchtime, even though nothing external has changed, you’re in a splendid mood and whistling your favorite tune.

The subconscious mind is also responsible for filing and storing all our memories. Just take a moment and think about the bedroom you grew up in. Do you remember the color of the walls, or what was on your bed? Since you probably haven’t thought about this room in some time, you’ll have had to access the information from the place it has been stored. To prevent our conscious mind from being overloaded with too much data, our subconscious keeps most memories out of our awareness until we consciously reach for them.

To protect us, the subconscious mind also suppresses memories that appear too emotionally overwhelming or damaging. Many people who were abused in their childhood don’t remember what had happened until, when they are adults, something triggers a specific memory that brings the abuse to the conscious surface.

The subconscious mind also masterfully oversees and coordinates the body’s several trillion cells, so they are working seamlessly together and can continuously adapt to rapidly changing conditions. Just imagine how impossibly tedious it would be to consciously regulate your breathing, your heart rate, liver function, or digestion. Even relatively simple tasks like walking or lifting your arm require the precisely coordinated flexing and relaxing of more than a dozen different muscles. While the conscious mind gives the executive order to take a step or raise an arm, it’s your subconscious mind that translates these simple commands into their complex details.

This brings me to another function of the subconscious mind. Have you ever noticed that, most of the time, you don’t remember how you drove yourself to work or how you ate that sandwich last night while watching TV? As you are thinking about the future or past without paying attention to the present moment, you’re still able to avoid accidents, feed yourself, look presentable, and get most things done, because your subconscious mind oversees all automatic behavior patterns, allowing you to occupy your conscious mind with something else.

The many complex tasks and responsibilities of the subconscious mind make its power and enormous potential apparent. The subconscious has really only one flaw, if you will. It needs our conscious guidance to fully utilize its potential and operate in a way that is supportive and harmonious with our entire being. Some compare the subconscious mind to a loyal, extremely talented servant, who faithfully continues to perform the same tasks repeatedly until told to do something different. But how do we consciously work with our subconscious mind so that we can tap into its sheer unlimited potential?

Infrared Sauna Science

Infrared Sauna Science | Infrared Sauna Sessions in South Yorkshire

Sweating in a Sauna

Our full-spectrum infrared saunas combine the beneficial infrared rays with the therapeutic beauty of visible light through color light therapy in every sauna session. By eliminating the sun’s troublesome, harmful UV rays we provide a safe, restorative sweat session that will leave you rejuvenated.

You can find an excellent article with full sources here:


Near, mid, and far infrared waves penetrate the skin, muscles, joints, and tissues to increase circulation, speed oxygen flow, and help rid the body of harmful toxins. Using our infrared saunas helps to remove impurities from your cells, specifically the cells inside our fat where our body stores waste and harmful toxins such as cholesterol and heavy metals.

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Color Light Therapy is a method of treatment that uses the visible spectrum (colors) of electromagnetic light to treat diseases. It is a centuries-old concept used successfully over the years to treat various diseases and ailments.
The following explains the health benefits associated with each color.


  • The color red works wonders in the body to increase energy levels
  • Loosens, releases constrictions and is excellent for areas that have become stiffened
  • Activates metabolism
  • Promotes cellular growth, stimulating the circulatory system and liver
  • Causes hemoglobin to multiply, thus increasing energy raising body temperature conditions as it stimulates sensory nerves such as hearing, taste, and smell
  • Excellent for anemia or blood-related conditions
  • Ideal for colds and other sluggish or dormant conditions like pneumonia, arthritis, and anemia


  • Free your mind & spark joy
  • Known to be a warm, cheerful, & non-constricting color
  • Because orange is a blend of red & yellow it combines physical energy with mental wisdom
  • Causes a transformation between lower physical reaction & higher mental response
  • An emotional stimulant
  • Removes inhibitions
  • Aids in repairing infalmmation of the kidneys, gallstones, & sinus
  • Helps menstrual cramps
  • Great for epileptics


  • Awaken mental inspiration
  • Provides clarity of thought, increased awareness, & stimulates interest & curiosity
  • Connects us to our mental self & is related to our ability to understand
  • Helps repair scarred tissue & eczema
  • Excellent color for nervous system or nerve-related ailments due to an alkalysing effect that strengthens nerves
  • Aids in conditions related to the stomach, liver, & intestines including constipation, gas, liver troubles, & diabetes


  • Benefits most any condition in need of healing
  • Relaxes muscles, nerves, & thoughts
  • Provides feelings of peace & harmony
  • Great for conditions of the heart, lowering blood pressure, ulcers, cancer, headaches, nervous disorders, & influenza
  • Renewing, moderating, & soothing


  • Mentally relaxing, calming color
  • Pacifying effect on the nervous system
  • Encourages great lotus
  • Soothing rays provide peace to a mind that is worried, excited, or in a constant nervous state
  • Can be used for any ailment associated with speech, communication, or the throat


  • Purple is the last color we can see before light passes on to ultraviolet (UV)
  • Excellent for neurosis, diseases of the scalp, sciatica, tumors, rheumatism, celetral-spinal meningitis, consussion, cramps, & epilepsy
  • Violet animates & cleans the venous blood
  • Some experts believe it can provide nourishment to the cells in the upper brain

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Infrared Sauna Benefits

Infrared Sauna Benefits | Floatation Tank & Infrared Sauna Sessions

Relaxing Infrared Sauna

For the best results, use the best Saunas, that’s our Infrared Sauna in Doncaster

Infrared Sauna Benefits, Tips & the Downside

Who wouldn’t want a quick and easy way to detoxify?
Infrared saunas are one of the most gentle yet effective detox therapies out there. If you’re wondering about the difference between infrared and traditional saunas, let us give you a quick rundown.

Traditional saunas use a heater (wood, stones, or charcoal) to make the air in the sauna so hot that it causes a person to sweat. Infrared saunas use an invisible frequency of light (infrared light) to heat your body directly, causing you to sweat at a much lower temperature, while also penetrating your tissues at a much deeper level. Having used both kinds of saunas we have found infrared much more enjoyable at 115°-135° F versus 150°-195° F in a traditional sauna. Many prefer to use an infrared sauna because research has shown that more toxins are expelled in a person’s sweat in comparison to the sweat expelled when using a traditional sauna.

If you look up the benefits of sauna use, the list is seemingly endless. Having been lucky enough to have access to a sauna for years. Here are some of the most noticeable benefits we have seen people experience or have experienced ourselves:

  • Reduce scars/acne: Many found just a single sauna session to be very helpful in improving the texture of their skin.
  • Improve overall texture of skin: Using a sauna weekly or more has radically improved the smoothness of skin.
  • Remove toxins/heavy metals: Environmental toxins and heavy metals can accumulate in our bodies over time. Infrared is known for its wavelengths to penetrate deeply into the skin for the greatest levels of detoxification.
  • Mental relaxation: If you’ve had a stressful day and just need to unwind, our sauna is the perfect place to close your eyes, breath deep, and just clear the mind.
  • Muscle relaxation: Sore/tense muscles after just 20 minutes in the sauna become more relaxed which helps with healing.
  • Fight a cold: 30 minute sessions when done regular are usually enough to boost your immune system and kick that cold!

Top tips when preparing for a sauna session:

  • Hydrate: Have at least 200ml of water before going in. You could add a pinch of high quality sea salt/pink Himalayan salt and fresh lemon juice to your glass of water.
  • Activated Charcoal: Taking a binding agent like activated charcoal during a sauna session is popular. It can effectively bind to toxins and heavy metals in the GI tract. Try mixing in a tsp to a liter of water and sip on it throughout the session.

*Side note: activated charcoal can also bind to essential minerals and phytonutrients that are positively charged, so I don’t eat food immediately after consuming charcoal.

  • Empty Stomach: Most people release a lot more sweat in the sauna when their body isn’t focused on digesting food. It can also be found to be unpleasant chugging a bunch of water after a meal and becoming super bloated.
  • Low EMF Infrared: If you’re interested in using an infrared sauna at a spa, or even purchasing one for your own home, always make sure to find a low EMF producing infrared sauna to minimize unnecessary exposure to EMFs which can effect sleep mental capacities, the opposites of what we want to achieve here.  Our FAR Infrared Sauna emits extremely low EMF levels which should have no effects at all.

If you are interested in using a sauna on your healing journey, the best advice is to combine detoxing and healing together for a sustainable and positive approach to your health.

A couple more quick caveats: the doctors at the Center for Deuterium Depletion do not recommend infared sauna therapy for active cancer patients. We also generally advise against it for patients who are in the middle of a deuterium depletion protocol, as it can significantly increase your water consumption.



Melts stress away, Improves sleep all in a Zen setting.

Who doesn’t need a quiet hour to themselves to unwind?

Infrared sauna therapy helps you relax while getting an invigorating deep tissue sweat, leaving you fully refreshed, rejuvenated & renewed.
Unlike traditional saunas, infrared saunas provide a gentle, soothing therapeutic heat that promotes relaxation & improved sleep.


Releases more toxins, Stimulates sweat glands, leaves you feeling refreshed.

We consume more toxic materials today than ever before.

Toxins of all kinds surround us every day – heavy metals in our environment, hormones in our meat, and even pesticides on our produce – but Sauna Space is here to help you detox, be your best, & feel your best!

Unlike other detoxification methods, IR saunas are safe & effective every time and will leave every cell of your body feeling rejuvenated.


Infrared sauna heat increases your blood circulation to help stimulate the sweat glands, releasing built up toxins in the body which can then be eliminated by the liver and bowel. Regular infrared sauna sessions can help detoxify your body as it rids itself of accumulated highly toxic metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, alcohol, nicotine, sulfuric acid, and other organic and inorganic compounds.

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Burns 200-400 calories, enhances weight loss, and not just water weight!

Lose weight while doing nothing!

Infrared saunas are the weight loss dream come true. Plus, it’s safe & easy.

But am I just losing water weight?

NO! Yes, you will lose water weight in a session, but you will also burn up to 400 calories and those are real results that affect your waist line.


As you relax in an infrared sauna, your body is actually hard at work producing sweat, pumping blood, and burning calories. As your body increases sweat production to cool itself, your heart will work harder to pump blood at a greater rate to boost circulation.

This increase in your metabolism will burn calories all while you relax, as well as long after your session ends.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, regular use of an infrared sauna imparts a similar stress on the cardiovascular system as that of running, and regular use may be as effective a means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning of calories as regular exercise.

No weight loss gimmicks here. Just healthy, real results.


Helps muscles recover faster, decreases inflammation and relieves tension, aches, & pains.

From everyday aches to chronic pain, it takes a toll.

An infrared sauna session could be the safe, easy pain therapy that finally gives you relief.

The deep heat that occurs during an infrared sauna session helps peripheral blood vessels dilate, bringing relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries. Increased blood circulation carries off metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen-rich blood to oxygen-depleted muscle, so they recover faster.

The heat from the sauna also helps to reduce soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms as muscle joints and fibers are heated. Muscles relax most readily when tissues are warm, for greater flexibility and range of motion.

Infrared heat helps to relieve muscle tension and thereby helping your body to make the most of its intended healing abilities.

Heal the natural way with zero negative side effects to start living a pain free life.


Naturally boosts immune health, carries off metabolic waste products, plus infrared heat is anti-bacterial & cedar wood is anti-microbial

The cold & flu don’t descriminate. We all get sick once in a while.

We wash our hands, take our vitamins, & avoid germs the best we can, but without a healthy immune system you are vulnerable.

Every Sauna Space infrared sauna session helps boost your immune system to keep it strong & fighting.

Each 30-minute infrared sauna session raises your core temperature inducing an artificial fever. A fever is the body’s natural mechanism to strengthen and accelerate the immune response, as seen in the case of infection. This enhanced immune system, combined with improved elimination of toxins and wastes via intense sweating, increases your overall health and resistance to disease.

Not only will you come out of every session glowing on the outside, but you’ll be stronger on the inside.

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Sweating in a Sauna


Helps sweat out impurities in the skin, releases toxins & stress that cause breakouts, you will leave every session glowing!

Glowing skin may be all the rage, but clear skin is always in.

Our infrared saunas can help you achieve both.

The profuse sweating achieved during your 40-minute infrared sauna session carries off deeply imbedded impurities and dead skin cells. This leaves the skin glowing and immaculately clean.

Increased circulation draws your skin’s own natural nutrients to the surface. As a result, you will see improved tone, elasticity, texture and fresh color. Increased circulation has also been shown to relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, lesions and cuts.

Plus – cellulite reduction is an added benefit!

The increased heart rate and localized blood circulation works together to stop fatty deposits and fibrosis from accumulating liquids in the fat cells to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Leave every sauna session with detoxed skin cells & a lit from within glow!


Promotes relaxation, balancing stress hormones, naturally calms the nervous system and releases tension in the body & mind.

Insomnia affects 1 in 3 people.

It’s hard enough to find time to get those 8 hours each night, so you don’t need your body fighting sleep too.

Infrared sauna sessions have been proven to improve sleep patterns.

Not only are infrared saunas relaxing, but the chromotherapy Sauna Space includes in each session has sleep inducing benefits as well. Blue, for example, is a mentally relaxing color that has a pacifying effect on the nervous system encouraging great relaxation. It is ideal for sleep problems.

Relaxing, soothing blue rays combined with infrared heat bring great calm and peace to the mind that is worried, excited, or in a constant nervous state.

Over time, these therapies will improve natural melatonin and other sleep related hormone levels to help you get better rest naturally.

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Floating: History and Information

Floating: History and Information

Beginners Guide To Floatation Therapy

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What is a sensory deprivation tank (isolation tank)?

A Flotation Tank, also called an isolation tank or sensory deprivation tank, enables restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST). It is a dark (only if you wish), soundproof tank that is filled with a foot or less of highly concentrated salt water.

The first ever isolation tank was designed in 1954 by John C. Lilly, an American physician and neuroscientist. He designed the tank to study the origins of consciousness by cutting off all external stimuli.

His research took a controversial turn in the 1960s. That’s when he began experimenting with sensory deprivation while under the effects of hallucinogenics, and ketamine, known for its ability to sedate and create a trance-like state.

In the 1970s, the first commercial float tanks were created and studies began to search for possible health benefits.

These days, finding a sensory deprivation tank is much easier, in the UK we now have approx 50 floatation locations offering a true, dedicated floatation experience.

Their increase in popularity may be due in part to the scientific evidence. Studies suggest time spent floating in a sensory deprivation tank will have some benefits, even in healthy people.  For example, muscle relaxation, better sleep, decrease in pain, and decreased stress and anxiety.


Sensory deprivation effects

The water in a sensory deprivation tank is heated to skin temperature and nearly saturated with Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate), providing buoyancy so you float more easily.

You enter the tank nude and are cut off from all outside stimulation, including sound, sight, and gravity when the tank’s lid or door is closed. As you float weightless in the silence and darkness, the brain is allowed to enter into a deeply relaxed state.

Sensory deprivation tank therapy is said to produce several effects on the brain, ranging from hallucinations to enhanced creativity.

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Do you have hallucinations in a sensory deprivation tank?

Many people have reported having hallucinations in a sensory deprivation tank. Over the years, studies have shown that sensory deprivation does induce psychosis-like experiences.  However do not let this put you off, their is a stigma associated with hallucinations, whereas the truth is that they are simply dreams, where you can find answers or clarity on subjects that usually elude you.

A 2015 study divided 46 people into two groups based on how prone they were to hallucinations. Researchers found that sensory deprivation induced similar experiences in both the high- and low-prone groups, and it increased the frequency of hallucinations in those in the high-prone group.


Will it make me more creative?

Basically, yes, if you look at this article published in 2014 in the European Journal of Integrative Medicine, floating in a sensory deprivation tank has been found in a handful of studies to increase originality, imagination, and intuition, which can all lead to enhanced creativity.


Can it improve concentration and focus?

Though most of the research that exists is older, there is strong evidence that sensory deprivation may improve focus and concentration, and may also lead to clearer and more precise thinking. This has been linked to improved learning and enhanced performance in both education and work groups.


Does it improve athletic performance?

The various effects of sensory deprivation tank therapy on athletic performance are well documented. It has been found effective in speeding up recovery after strenuous physical training by decreasing blood lactate in a study of 24 college students.

A 2016 study of 60 elite athletes also found it improved psychological recovery following intense training and competition.

Below you can check out some athletes explaining how Floatation Tanks help them and their experiences with them on an ESPN special.

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Floatation tank process

A session in our float tanks usually goes as follows:

  • You arrive at the flotation center, showing up ideally 15 minutes early if it’s your first visit and at least 5 minutes if you are experienced.
  • Use the bathroom!
  • Once in the Pod Room remove all of your clothing and jewelry.
  • Shower before entering the tank.
  • Enter the tank and close the door or lid.
  • Gently lie back and let the buoyancy of the water help you float.
  • Music plays for 10 minutes at the start of your session to help you relax(Optional).
  • Float for an hour.
  • Music plays for the last five minutes of your session(Optional).
  • Get out of the tank once your session has ended.
  • Shower again and get dressed.
  • Make use of Hair and Make-Up booths.
  • Grab a drink and take a seat in our Reflection Space, a quirky, comfortable space designed to allow you to continue relaxing whilst reflecting on your float journey.

To help you relax and get the most out of your session, it is recommended that you eat something approximately 30 minutes before your session. It’s also helpful to avoid caffeine for four hours beforehand.  The salt air in the pod can make you thirsty, we advise bringing a bottle of water.  We do provide a water spray bottle to wash out eyes if you get any of the salt solution in them.   You can wear goggles, however we do not advise it for the best experience.

Shaving or waxing before a session is not recommended as the salt in the water can irritate the skin.

Cuts or grazes should for the same reason as above, be covered with protection, like a vaseline which we provide upon request.

To find out more about the benefits of floating click here.

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Floating: History and Information

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Floating: History and Information

Benefits of Floating

The Gift of Floating | Floatation Tank & Wellness Centre, South Yorkshire

Floatation Tank Benefits

There are several psychological and physical benefits of sensory deprivation tanks with many studies done on conditions such as anxiety disorders, stress, and chronic pain.  Below we look at some of the benefits and provide links to sources if you wish to investigate further.

Pure relaxation

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General Benefits

  • Promotes a totally calm and peaceful mind alike to meditation.
  • Eliminates fatigue.
  • Improves sleep.
  • Alleviates stress (mental and physical).
  • Energises, rejuvenates, restores and revitalises.
  • Increases motivation, reduces depression, anxiety and fear
  • Facilitates freedom from habits, phobias and addictions.

Mental Benefits

  • Stimulates left/right brain synchronisation.
  • Shifts brain waves from beta to lower frequency alpha, theta and even delta.
  • Creates mental clarity and improves alertness.
  • Increases creativity and problem solving.
  • Heightens visualisation abilities.
  • Allows for a deeper Meditation state.
  • Expands awareness, intensifies acuteness of all the senses and can even accelerate learning.
  • Enhances hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis.

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Physical benefits

  • Decreases the production of cortisol, ACTH, lactic acid and adrenaline
  • Increases production of endorphins.
  • Speeds up rehabilitation and recovery
  • Relieves pain including inflammation (arthritis, migraines, injuries and so on).
  • Boosts your immune system/function.
  • Improves circulation and the distribution of oxygen and nutrients.
  • Reduces blood pressure, pulse, heart rate and oxygen consumption.
  • Proven to increase athletic performance.
  • Helps prevent sports injuries and speeds up the healing process.
  • Fantastic therapy for pregnancy.

Does sensory deprivation tank treat anxiety?

Flotation-REST has been found to be effective in reducing anxiety. A 2018 study Trusted Source showed that a single one-hour session in a sensory deprivation tank was capable of a significant reduction in anxiety and improvement in mood in the 50 participants with stress- and anxiety-related disorders.

A 2016 study of 46 people who self-reported generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) found that it reduced GAD symptoms, such as depression, sleep difficulties, irritability, and fatigue.

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Can it relieve pain?

The effect of sensory deprivation tank therapy on chronic pain has been confirmed by several studies. It is shown to be effective in treating tension headaches, muscle tension, and pain.

A small study of seven participants found it effective in treating whiplash-associated disorders, such as neck pain and stiffness and reduced range of motion. It has also been shown to reduce stress-related pain.

Can it improve cardiovascular health?

Flotation-REST therapy may improve your cardiovascular health by inducing deep relaxation that reduces stress levels and improves sleep, according to research. Chronic stress and sleep deprivation have been linked to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Will it make me happier?

There are many claims about flotation-REST causing feelings of overwhelming happiness and euphoria. People have reported experiencing mild euphoria, increased well-being, and feeling more optimistic following therapy using a sensory deprivation tank.

Others have reported spiritual experiences, deep inner peace, sudden spiritual insight, and feeling as if they were born anew.

Why not book in today for your first Flotation/Floatation Tank experience.

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