Pain and Physical Therapy

Athletic Recovery Floatation Tank

Relief from gravitational pressure gives our body a break, and allows blood to flow freely to parts of our body that may be injured, painful, or need to recover from intense exercise.

Normally, our bodies are subjected to gravitational pressure. But in an Epsom salt bath, the concentration of salts allows us to float effortlessly. Epsom salt baths have been reported to have significant impact on hypertension, chronic tension headaches, and chronic pain in the back and neck.

Increased blood flow also allows our body to eliminate waste and toxins such as lactic acid, which causes pain and cramping when left to build up. Coupled with the ability to become aware of knots and tensions, floating allows athletes and gym-goers to heal faster and overcome fatigue.

In recent years, floating has been used as a form of alternative medicine to treat many conditions from fibromyalgia to arthritis. It is reported as being particularly effective in relieving back pain, with a 2017 study conducted over 4 weeks concluding:

ā€˜Floating has a direct and positive effect on reducing the intensity and frequency of chronic back pain, as well as improving associated sleep quality, anxiety and depression [ā€¦] Floating twice weekly has a more pronounced effect than one float per week.ā€™

InĀ Fine and Borrieā€™s 1978 study, the participants were made up of people who had experienced chronic pain for over 6 months. They reported a reduction in the amount of pain that averaged at 31.3%, with the greatest relief in the upper back region at 63.6%, and the lowest was in the legs at 15.3%.

Studies also show further relief can be achieved with regular use of the tanks, with many reporting the after effects lasting longer between sessions the more they came. Weekly or Fortnightly visits are shown to be the most effective in providing pain relief.

Floating for recovery is being adopted by many professional sporting teams, clubs and individuals. At Float Space we have worked with anyone from runners, to boxers to professional body builders.

When you consider floatation increases the oxygen content in the blood, relaxes tired muscles, removes all strain from joints and tendons, lowers adrenaline and removes lactic acid build up, improves sleep and helps with mindset and visualisation techniques, it is really no surprise.

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

The Power of the Subconscious Mind | Float Space in South Yorkshire

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Inner Connection

What do you think about your subconscious mind, and the role it plays in your life? Do you trust this part of your mind, or are you more wary of it? Do you utilize its potential, or do you accuse it of keeping you stuck in irrational anxiety and self-sabotaging patterns?

Maybe your subconscious seems to be an obscure and rather scary part of your mind that is out of your control, causes you a lot of trouble, and, therefore, isnā€™t trustworthy. Thus, you may place your trust in your intellectual and analytical capabilities, and be unaware of the enormous potential that resides within this deeper part of your consciousness.

One of the major functions of the subconscious is to filter and interpret the vast amount of information surrounding us, and only feed the conscious mind the tiny fractions that seem relevant for our safety and well-being. Consciously, we can compute only small amounts of information at one time, but subconsciously, we can keep tabs on our surroundings, pick up subtle cues from others, and notice small external and internal changesā€”all without our conscious awareness. Important aspects of our perception, such as first impressions, chemistry, or intuition, are not based on logical considerations, but stem from the input of our subconscious.

Another important task of the subconscious mind is creating emotions, which it often does without the input of the conscious mind. This explains why emotions can appear so irrational, inappropriate, and out of control. On your way to work on Monday morning, youā€™re sure that you woke up on the wrong side of the bed; everything and everybody irritates you. The intensity of the feeling doesnā€™t make sense to you, but then by lunchtime, even though nothing external has changed, youā€™re in a splendid mood and whistling your favorite tune.

The subconscious mind is also responsible for filing and storing all our memories. Just take a moment and think about the bedroom you grew up in. Do you remember the color of the walls, or what was on your bed? Since you probably havenā€™t thought about this room in some time, youā€™ll have had to access the information from the place it has been stored. To prevent our conscious mind from being overloaded with too much data, our subconscious keeps most memories out of our awareness until we consciously reach for them.

To protect us, the subconscious mind also suppresses memories that appear too emotionally overwhelming or damaging. Many people who were abused in their childhood donā€™t remember what had happened until, when they are adults, something triggers a specific memory that brings the abuse to the conscious surface.

The subconscious mind also masterfully oversees and coordinates the bodyā€™s several trillion cells, so they are working seamlessly together and can continuously adapt to rapidly changing conditions. Just imagine how impossibly tedious it would be to consciously regulate your breathing, your heart rate, liver function, or digestion. Even relatively simple tasks like walking or lifting your arm require the precisely coordinated flexing and relaxing of more than a dozen different muscles. While the conscious mind gives the executive order to take a step or raise an arm, itā€™s your subconscious mind that translates these simple commands into their complex details.

This brings me to another function of the subconscious mind. Have you ever noticed that, most of the time, you donā€™t remember how you drove yourself to work or how you ate that sandwich last night while watching TV? As you are thinking about the future or past without paying attention to the present moment, youā€™re still able to avoid accidents, feed yourself, look presentable, and get most things done, because your subconscious mind oversees all automatic behavior patterns, allowing you to occupy your conscious mind with something else.

The many complex tasks and responsibilities of the subconscious mind make its power and enormous potential apparent. The subconscious has really only one flaw, if you will. It needs our conscious guidance to fully utilize its potential and operate in a way that is supportive and harmonious with our entire being. Some compare the subconscious mind to a loyal, extremely talented servant, who faithfully continues to perform the same tasks repeatedly until told to do something different. But how do we consciously work with our subconscious mind so that we can tap into its sheer unlimited potential?

Infrared Sauna Science

Infrared Sauna Science | Infrared Sauna Sessions in South Yorkshire

Sweating in a Sauna

Our full-spectrum infrared saunas combine the beneficial infrared rays with the therapeutic beauty of visible light through color light therapy in every sauna session. By eliminating the sun’s troublesome, harmful UV rays we provide a safe, restorative sweat session that will leave you rejuvenated.

You can find an excellent article with full sources here:


Near, mid, and far infrared waves penetrate the skin, muscles, joints, and tissues to increase circulation, speed oxygen flow, and help rid the body of harmful toxins. Using our infrared saunas helps to remove impurities from your cells, specifically the cells inside our fat where our body stores waste and harmful toxins such as cholesterol and heavy metals.

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Color Light Therapy is a method of treatment that uses the visible spectrum (colors) of electromagnetic light to treat diseases. It is a centuries-old concept used successfully over the years to treat various diseases and ailments.
The following explains the health benefits associated with each color.


  • The color red works wonders in the body to increase energy levels
  • Loosens, releases constrictions and is excellent for areas that have become stiffened
  • Activates metabolism
  • Promotes cellular growth, stimulating the circulatory system and liver
  • Causes hemoglobin to multiply, thus increasing energy raising body temperature conditions as it stimulates sensory nerves such as hearing, taste, and smell
  • Excellent for anemia or blood-related conditions
  • Ideal for colds and other sluggish or dormant conditions like pneumonia, arthritis, and anemia


  • Free your mind & spark joy
  • Known to be a warm, cheerful, & non-constricting color
  • Because orange is a blend of red & yellow it combines physical energy with mental wisdom
  • Causes a transformation between lower physical reaction & higher mental response
  • An emotional stimulant
  • Removes inhibitions
  • Aids in repairing infalmmation of the kidneys, gallstones, & sinus
  • Helps menstrual cramps
  • Great for epileptics


  • Awaken mental inspiration
  • Provides clarity of thought, increased awareness, & stimulates interest & curiosity
  • Connects us to our mental self & is related to our ability to understand
  • Helps repair scarred tissue & eczema
  • Excellent color for nervous system or nerve-related ailments due to an alkalysing effect that strengthens nerves
  • Aids in conditions related to the stomach, liver, & intestines including constipation, gas, liver troubles, & diabetes


  • Benefits most any condition in need of healing
  • Relaxes muscles, nerves, & thoughts
  • Provides feelings of peace & harmony
  • Great for conditions of the heart, lowering blood pressure, ulcers, cancer, headaches, nervous disorders, & influenza
  • Renewing, moderating, & soothing


  • Mentally relaxing, calming color
  • Pacifying effect on the nervous system
  • Encourages great lotus
  • Soothing rays provide peace to a mind that is worried, excited, or in a constant nervous state
  • Can be used for any ailment associated with speech, communication, or the throat


  • Purple is the last color we can see before light passes on to ultraviolet (UV)
  • Excellent for neurosis, diseases of the scalp, sciatica, tumors, rheumatism, celetral-spinal meningitis, consussion, cramps, & epilepsy
  • Violet animates & cleans the venous blood
  • Some experts believe it can provide nourishment to the cells in the upper brain

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