Peter Sullivan

Former owner Pete’s Story.

A Journey Into Float Space

Peter Sullivan Float Space Owner

Hi, my name is Pete and I’m a float addict centre owner.

Float Space is family owned and ran.  Headed up by myself Pete Sullivan with the help and support of my Wife and our 3 children.

We wanted to create a wellness centre that was dedicated to the knowledge and provision of therapies and treatments that are proven to improve people’s physical and mental well-being.   Initially we are setting up 2 Floatation Rooms and 1 Multiperson Infrared Sauna Room, as well as creating our own brand of Broad Spectrum CBD oils and Organic Mushroom Supplements.  We believe that each treatment we bring on board has to have genuine science behind it and studies to prove it’s effectiveness. There are no smoke and mirrors at Float Space, just science.

We also hope to add to our offerings by bringing in like minded practitioners to use our extra spaces for their therapies or treatments.

Now, if you feel the need to know how we got to this point, here is a short story about how we found floating and, in turn, made the decision to open a dedicated Floatation Centre in our home town…

About Float Space The Floatation Tank Therapy & Wellness Centre, UK

In the beginning…

It was January 2020 and my business of many years was going nowhere but backwards. Working in the cutthroat sector of print and design had destroyed any passion I had for my work and the continual shift to online marketing and advertising had been the final straw.

Then Covid happened and life got infinitely worse for many people I knew.  That’s because alongside my wife Becky, I organised and ran a not for profit music festival (and will again) called Something to Smile About.  Which meant our whole world (dramatic I know) was turned on it’s head.  Our usual season of outdoor events, seeing far off friends and beautiful sights was halted and our financials took a huge hit.  It also meant switching from self employed and working from home to self employed and home schooling children!

A New Hope…

Within weeks of lockdown the numbness kicked in, boredom like nothing I’d known, my business simply couldn’t operate.  My mind was restless.  Nothing I watched or read could keep me focused.  And in the midst of the boredom I found podcasts.  Initially I started with Joe Rogan, who I had watched before and decided to revisit. Almost randomly I came across an interview he had done years before and watched that.  This led Youtube to recommend an episode with Graham Hancock, where they are discussing ancient civilisations and other topics (You should really check it out!). Joe Rogan instantly got my attention when he started talking about his floatation tank (yes, he has a big enough house to own his own!) and the benefits he gets from it.  Well, between Graham Hancock’s take on our past and Joe Rogan with his floatation tanks I was hooked on both.  I was soon counting the days until I might get to have my first Float Tank Experience!

A Distant Journey…

Finally!  Businesses start to open and I can look at booking in for my first ever float session.  But wait…

I live in Thorne, Doncaster and there wasn’t a single Floatation Centre within a hour of my home.  Nevertheless,  I booked to visit a centre near Lincoln. I am not a fan of busy cities, so their location was the best option for me as it was a little more out of the way.

After my first visit I was eager to learn more and go again then one day while waiting for my session to arrive, I got more and more into the science behind floating and spent hours watching videos, listening to peoples experiences and researching everything I could.  All the time in my mind I was thinking, THIS is something I can do, THIS seems like it’s right for me. It was almost as though it was meant to be put in front of me at this time, when I needed a new direction.

Prior to Covid, I had already looked into several options of new directions , one of which was CBD oils. When looking at my research, these seemed to go hand in hand with Float Centres worldwide and linked in to the holistic or alternative medicines which I had been a firm believer in for many years.

A Clear Vision…

My next Float session arrived and I went to a in as a standard customer, explaining none of my ideas beforehand to the owner. I wanted to go in and think about it properly, look at the whole experience from a different point of view, the view of a centre owner.

It was the least relaxing float I have ever had.  During the float, my mind was clear, yet very full at the same time running through everything at great speed. Clarity is the best word, even though the thoughts were numerous, they were all clear, they formed together, became a whole.  Then a clarity that gave me, without a doubt, the feeling that I was on THE path. The one I’d needed to find all along.

Post Float I met the owner. Asking how my float had gone, I explained my pre float thoughts regards running my very own centre and that I wasn’t sure before I had been in that day.  His simple response then and continues to be, ‘Do it!’ ‘More people need to Float!’

To say that was all it took would be quite under playing it, I have made short of what was a manic time mentally. But I am now ready to introduce my part of the world to the magic of Floating.

The future is unknown, but the present is here, it’s exciting, and it’s all about Going with the Float!